

Community Impact Grant Guidelines

Community Impact Grants for the 2025 fiscal year will be awarded in the Summer of 2024. Community Impact Grants are available to organizations that serve or operate in Clay, Craighead, Cross, Greene, Jackson, Lawrence, Poinsett, Randolph, and Mississippi counties.  For more information or if you have any questions please contact Heather Coats, Executive Director, at

A total distribution of $250,000 will be allocated for the 2025 Community Impact Grant Cycle.

Awarded funds will be distributed monthly from January 2025-December 2025.  


  • March 19: Grant Application Open
  • April 19: Grant Application Due
  • Mid June: Grant Funding Announcements made

Our Focus and Priorities

Successful applicants will present programmatic needs and demonstrate how grant funding would strengthen the work of their agency within United Way's focus areas of Education, Financial Stability, and Health.

Education - Preparing children, youth, and young adults to succeed in school and life.

Financial Stability - Helping individuals and families pave a path to financial stability and independence.

Health - Supporting basic human needs and helping individuals live healthy, independent lives.

In addition, grant applicants must demonstrate how their work identifies and directly impacts one or both of our target populations:

  • Individuals and families living in or below the ALICE threshold (visit for more information)
  • Those experiencing racial/ethnic disparities 


All applicants must meet and provide evidence of the following requirements:

  • Recognized 501 (c)3 non-profit, tax exempt organization
  • Locally based volunteer board that meets at least quarterly and elects officers
  • Current audit with copy of management letter and IRS form 990. All documentation must be for the same year (tax year and end date should be the same year end date as the audit) if no audit is conducted, please provide the highest level of externally prepared financial statement with balance sheet.
  • Articles of incorporation
  • Overall operating budget
  • 12 month budget for programmatic funding
  • Supplemental information as requested
  • Serves clients in Clay, Craighead, Cross, Greene, Jackson, Lawrence, Lawrence, Poinsett, Randolph, and Mississippi counties.